There appears to be a notable ignorance regarding the difference between the significance of and AIDS, as both are quite frequently spoken of within the same context. However, although both HIV and AIDS are associated with one another, they’re actually quite substantially different in terms about what they mean to a victim.


First we’ll describe as to how a person can get diagnosed as having HIV. However, a new-born baby may also be born with HIV if it is mother was infected before, and failed to take any sort of antiretroviral treatment during her . That’s to say – virtually all types of sexual contact where there is an exchange of body fluids may lead to someone being diagnosed with HIVnonetheless, it’s not the identical situation with kissing (there is not any evidence to indicate that HIV can be passed-on through the exchange of saliva).

Forms of body fluid exchanges include: vaginal , anal sex, oral sex (natural), and as mentioned before, through sharing needles. The term HIV is when someone actually has the , and HIV Positive is if someone is diagnosed with it.


  • Human: this is because it is kad can only infect human beings.
  • : this is because the effect of the virus produces a lack (a failure to operate properly) inside the 's .
  • Virus: this is because the organism (the disease ) is a virus. A virus doesn’t reproduce itself, even though it does replicate by taking charge of the workings of the human cells. And secondly we’ll explain as to what occurs for HIV to become AIDS. If a HIV infected person develops a HIV-related disease, or even a HIV-related , HIV becomes known as AIDS.


  • Acquired: this is because the status is acquired by somebody (gets infected with) rather than something which may be transmitted through genes.
  • Deficiency: this is because the virus leaves the immune system deficient (makes the body not work correctly )
  • Syndrome: this is because somebody who has the growth of AIDS generally encounters a wide-range of different ailments.


However, it should also be noted that HIV isn’t a GAY disorder -“a frequent myth” – as ALL who participate in activities that might lead to close bodily contact in which there might be an exchange of body fluids (unprotected sex, needle sharing) are at risk from being infected by the illness. HIV doesn’t discriminate: that is to say – if the shoe fits, anyone can be made to wear it.