Il existe diverses affections cutanées telles que l'eczéma, le psoriasis et le lichen scléreux. Il existe également des maladies auto-immunes telles que l'alopécie areata, le vitiligo, le lichen plan et le mycosis fongoïde. Pour une meilleure les caractéristiques des maladies de la peau.


  • Eczema that is a kind of dermatitis or inflammation of the outer layer of skin. These include dryness and recurring skin rashes that are characterized by one or more symptoms such as redness, swelling, itching and dryness, crusting, flaking, blistering cracking, oozing or bleeding.
  • Le psoriasis est une maladie auto-immune. that appears on the skin. It happens when the immune system mistakes the skin tissues as a , and sends out faulty signals that accelerate the growth cycle of skin cells. Psoriasis isn’t contagious but it’s been associated with an increased risk of .
  • Le lichen scléreux (LS), également appelé "lichen scléreux et atrophique", est une maladie d'origine inconnue qui provoque l'apparition de taches blanches sur la peau, pouvant entraîner des cicatrices sur et autour de la peau génitale.
  • Alopecia Areata is a condition wherein it includes the hair loss in one or more round spots on the scalp. Typical first signs of alopecia areata are little bald spots. The underlying skin is unscarred and seems superficially normal. These stains can take many shapes, but are usually round or oblong. Alopecia areata most often affects the scalp and beard, but may occur on any hair-bearing portion of the body. With this skin condition it’s common that skin regions can display and re-growth at precisely the identical time. The disease may go into remission for a time, or indefinitely.
  • Le vitiligo est une affection cutanée qui provoque la dépigmentation de certaines parties de la peau. Il survient normalement lorsque les mélanocytes, les cellules responsables de la pigmentation de la peau, meurent ou ne peuvent pas fonctionner correctement. La cause du vitiligo reste inconnue, mais les recherches indiquent qu'il pourrait résulter de causes auto-immunes, génétiques, de stress cognitif, virales et circulatoires.
  • Lichen Planus is a chronic mucocutaneous disorder that may affect the skin, tongue, and oral mucosa. This disease presents itself in the form of papules, , or rashes but Lichen planus doesn’t necessarily involve lichens, the fungus or algae symbionts which often grow on tree trunks. The commonly refers to the dry and undulating,”lichen-like” look of affected skin and it is also associated with specific medications and ailments but the underlying pathology is now unknown up to now.
  • Mycosis fungoides also referred to as Alibert-Bazin syndrome or granuloma fungoides, is the most common type of cutaneous . It generally affects the skin, but may progress internally over time. The disease, however, isn’t a fungal but instead a sort of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. It was so named because Alibert explained the skin tumors of a serious case as with a mushroom-like look.