The immune system is a very important part of the body. It’s the important task of defending and protecting the body against disease-causing germs. The immune system-with its system of special cells, proteins, tissues and organs-works hard day in and day out to avoid illness and infection. But there are times when it fails to work optimally, and we get ill consequently.


Everyone has experienced being ill, whether from simple ailments such as colds or the flu, or from something more serious like oder . This implies that our immune system isn’t always in excellent condition. Sometimes it weakens and we become prone to ailments. At other times it’s strong, so much so that when a viral disease affects everyone around us, we nevertheless stay disease-free. It’s intriguing to learn about it and how it defends, and at times fails to defend, our entire body.

The cells which primarily which make it up are white blood cells known as leukocytes. They’re found in various areas of the body, like the thymus gland, bone marrow and spleen. They’re also in lymph nodes located throughout the body. Like soldiers, these white blood cells circulate throughout the body, monitoring a variety of places for the existence of “antigens” that identify dangerous foreign microorganisms.


Wenn sie ein Antigen entdecken, bilden sie "Antikörper", um die Fremdkörper anzugreifen. Phagozyten sind spezialisierte weiße Blutkörperchen, die eindringende Lebewesen neutralisieren, indem sie sie verschlingen. Lymphozyten sind eine andere Art von weißen Blutkörperchen, die sich an frühere Eindringlinge "erinnern" und sie bei einem erneuten Angriffsversuch auf den Körper erledigen.

Manchmal werden diese Leukozyten oder andere Teile von ihnen geschwächt, und der Körper wird anfälliger für verschiedene Infektionen. Tödliche Keime können sich durchaus in bestimmten Bereichen des Körpers ansiedeln und dort Verwüstung anrichten. Als "immungeschwächt" gelten Menschen, deren Immunsystem geschwächt oder beeinträchtigt ist. Beispiele sind AIDS-Kranke, Krebspatienten, die sich einer Chemotherapie unterziehen, und Menschen, die eine Organtransplantation erhalten sollen.

Wussten Sie das?

Many medications, like those for cancer, suppress it. Milder forms of immunocompromise are more commonplace and influence nearly everyone from time to time. When we are stressed, tired or depressed, our immune system suffers. This can also be caused by inadequate diet, lack of oder , and physical fatigue. Marathoners, by way of instance, are known to be particularly prone to infections after conducting the complete 42-kilometer race.

Dieters who deprive themselves of essential nutrients are also more susceptible to different sorts of illness. And studies have shown that depressed men and women are immunocompromised because the nervous system directly affects the immune system. Even tends to reduce the strength of the system, according to older people who tend to get ill more easily. Apparently, a great deal of things in our own lives can sap it.


The most common offenders being , exhaustion and poor diet, we could compensate by trying to lower our anxiety, get enough rest, and eat balanced meals. We can also take die das Immunsystem stärken, wie z. B. Multivitamine. Wir alle sollten uns gut um unser Immunsystem kümmern, damit wir gesund und krankheitsfrei bleiben können.