Is A Gluten-Free Diet For You? A gluten-free diet? Is it a fad or is it something that just about everyone ought to be on? Should you be on it? Should I be on it? And how difficult is it to really follow such a program? I’ve heard some very positive remarks about eating gluten-free and decided to find out more about it. There are those who definitely should be on a gluten free diet!


Someone with Celiac Disease or a person with an allergic reaction to eating foods with gluten should definitely follow that dietary route! Celiac Disease is described as a genetic autoimmune disease that damages the villi of the small intestine and interferes with absorption of nutrients from food. When your digestive system is healthy, undigested or partially digested become removed as fecal matter. However, if your digestive system is unhealthy, it is going to be more difficult for the body to digest gluten proteins and might lead to an autoimmune reaction.

Es könnte sogar dazu beitragen, "” which makes your immune system weak and vulnerable. Since gluten is a found in wheat, rye and barley, there are a good deal of common foods that should be avoided. Most bread is made of wheat, as are most und Müsli. Wenn Sie versuchen, Gluten zu vermeiden, sollten Sie im Allgemeinen keine Cracker, panierte Lebensmittel, Kekse, Kuchen, Bier, verarbeitete Lebensmittel oder Junkfood essen.

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Außerdem gibt es einige überraschende Produkte, die normalerweise ebenfalls Gluten enthalten. Dazu gehören: Sojasoße, Suppen auf Sahnebasis, manche Eiscremes und sogar verschreibungspflichtige Medikamente können Weizen als Füllstoff enthalten! Glücklicherweise gibt es eine Reihe von sehr guten Lebensmitteln, so dass Sie nicht hungern müssen, wenn Sie versuchen, kein Gluten zu essen. Sie können nicht nur alle Obst- und Gemüsesorten essen, die Sie brauchen, sondern es gibt sogar eine Reihe von glutenfreien Getreidesorten.

These include: corn, rice, quinoa, sorghum, flax seed, amaranth seed, buckwheat, and millet. Other foods which are OK to eat are , fish, meat, milk products, and wine. Look for rice and corn cereals, and pastas which are made from corn, rice or quinoa. It may be noted that as we age, our digestion tends to not be as good as when we were younger. Personally, I have learned that some sort of digestive supplementation has been useful. While there doesn’t appear to be complete evidence that taking digestive enzymes or probiotics will really help someone with Celiac Disease, I did think it interesting to learn that drug companies are in fact working on this idea.


Currently there are a number of over-the-counter organic products available to assist digestion. It makes sense to me to choose some type of digestive supplement for those who have some issue with digestion, whether you are on a gluten-free diet. That’s just my opinion, however. Should you’re on a gluten-free diet? Obviously you need to if you have Celiac Disease or have issues with digestion when you have glutenfree! However, there do not appear to be any significant health benefits to this should you not have to be on it. Most likely, any health benefits are from the fact that you would be removing such things as breaded goods, biscuits, cakes, and processed foods, which you should do anyway! As we age, to be able to maintain optimum health, the body appears to have a greater need for nourishment and exercise.