Някои момчета не могат да държат ръцете си далеч от панталоните, но това не е непременно поради свръхактивност. секс задвижване. Не, някои момчета просто имат много сърбящ пенис, такъв, който изисква да бъде остърган. Тъй като мъжествеността здраве problems go, an itchy penis is among the most common – and one of the possibly most embarrassing. Sometimes that itchiness may be due to a reaction to something a man ate, but there could be other causes as well, such as фоликулит.
As the name appears to indicate, folliculitis has something to do with hair follicles. Specifically, when a individual has folliculitis, it means that some part of their hair follicles is becoming inflamed. Usually that възпаление occurs due to a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection; in some cases, ingrown hairs may result in the inflammation. When a guy has folliculitis, small red pinpoint dots seem, sometimes throughout his body, occasionally isolated to one or a couple of areas (which could include the penis, balls, and surrounding region).
Тези точки са бучки, малко повдигнати, и често има малка капка гной, свързана с някои или всички бучки. Може да има само няколко подутини или десетки. Всяка от тези подутини съответства на един заразен космен фоликул. Освен че изглеждат червени, те имат и нещо друго общо помежду си: обикновено са доста сърбящи. Когато фоликулитът засегне талията, често се получава сърбеж в пениса.
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Sometimes the bumps may also make a burning sensation, which can be disagreeable everywhere but especially so on the penis. The epidermis of the surrounding areas is also likely to be quite tender. Sometimes various kinds of folliculitis are known by different names, such as hot tub rash or barber’s rash. Absolutely anybody can get folliculitis, but there are a few men and women who are more vulnerable to getting it than others. A weakened immune system, such as can happen in someone with diabetes or HIV.
Curly hair on a man who shaves. The curliness can result in an ingrown hair more easily, possibly causing folliculitis. A curly-haired guy who shaves his crotch is at somewhat higher risk of an itchy penis from folliculitis. Having psoriasis or acne, or taking long-term remedies for the same. Wearing rubber gloves or other clothing that particularly traps heat within the body.
Носене на твърде тесни дрехи. Лекият случай на фоликулит може да се реши от само себе си или да се преодолее с помощта на някои домашни средства. Те включват използването на антибактериални измивания и/или разреден бял оцет в засегнатата област. По-често някой трябва да се обърне към лекар, за да се установи какво лечение би било най-добро. Често може да бъде предписан локален или перорален антибиотик. Има многобройни стъпки, които човек може да предприеме, за да предотврати фоликулита.
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Good basic hygiene is the first step, but it’s also sensible to avoid sharing razors, which may transfer the cause of folliculitis from 1 person to another. Avoiding getting too close a shave can be desired, as is changing razor blades often. Try not to wear clothing that is too tight, particularly for extended intervals. And make certain any hot tubs or swimming pools one uses are appropriately cleaned and disinfected. No guy wants either folliculitis or an itchy penis, so he must take the additional step of regularly applying a superior penis health creme (caregivers urge Man 1 Man Oil, that is clinically proven mild and safe for кожа). Keeping the skin hydrated is one other way to prevent folliculitis, so please pick a crème which has a group of specialist cleansing agents, such as shea butter and витамин Е. The crème should also have vitamin D3, the so-called “miracle vitamin,” which has shown benefits in combating diseases and encouraging healthy cellular function.