Public Health governments have traditionally been slow in responding to the threats posed by new infections. The most glaring example during the past several decades has been HIV; an illness that still infects millions of people worldwide. Minimal attempts were made to include highly sterile methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) when first identified.

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Nach einer längeren Verzögerung hat die Polizei eine konzertierte Aktion gegen Ebola gestartet Die Krankheit verschwand jedoch, bevor medizinische Behandlungen entwickelt und effektiv bewertet werden konnten. Der Planet ist nun mit schrecklichen Fällen von Kindern konfrontiert, die ohne normales Gehirn geboren werden, weil das Zika-Virus während der Schwangerschaft übertragen wurde. . Zika virus infected pregnant women aren’t currently being treated. Rudimentary anti-mosquito steps are also envisioned to help minimize additional infections. Markedly reduced head circumference (microcephaly) has been reported in some of the babies born to Zika infected mothers.

While other babies from infected mothers might not demonstrate the reduced head size, there are lots of signs that they also will be neurologically impaired. Within a couple of years, some of those less affected children will probably show features of autism. This is going to be a painful reminder of the discount by public health authorities of evidence demonstrating the presence of virus infections in children with autism.

Über Viren

The viruses were characterized as being stealth accommodated since they didn’t evoke an inflammatory response, the standard hallmark of an infectious illness. Stealth adaptation is a generic procedure that can possibly happen with all viruses by the loss or mutation of the relatively few viral genes which code elements targeted by the immune system. Stealth adapted viruses are implicated in several illnesses, but especially those with neuropsychiatric symptoms, including children with autism.

Die Gesundheitsbehörden beschlossen, die heimliche Anpassung nicht zuzulassen, nachdem bekannt geworden war, dass einige der Viren Derivate des Afrikanischen Grünen Affen-Cytomegalievirus (SCMV) waren. Dieser Befund machte die Voreingenommenheit der Food and Drug Administration (FDA) deutlich, als sie beschloss, eine Studie aus dem Jahr 1972 nicht zu veröffentlichen, aus der hervorging, dass mit SCMV infizierte Affen zur Herstellung von Polio-Lebendimpfstoff verwendet wurden. Zusätzliches Unbehagen löste der Vorschlag aus, dass die Erprobung von mit dem Zytomegalievirus kontaminierten experimentellen Polioimpfstoffen an Schimpansen eine plausible Erklärung für den Ursprung von HIV sei.

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Infected people and experimentally inoculated animals continue to be able to recoup from infections with stealth adapted viruses. This indicates that the body isn’t wholly dependent on the immune system so as to suppress virus infections. Moreover, lymphocytes and antibodies, which are the significant elements of acquired , only developed with the evolution of vertebrates. Empirical findings from within the area of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) support non-pharmaceutical procedures of healing.

Yet these efforts are normally discouraged by governmental authorities too influenced by pharmaceutical companies. Continued research on stealth adapted viruses identified a significant non-immunological anti virus defense mechanism that is mediated through an alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway. This pathway is distinct from mobile energy derived from the of food or in the case of plants and certain bacteria, from the energy acquired from photosynthesis.

Dementsprechend kann der ACE-Weg auch als dritter Energieweg des Charakters bezeichnet werden. Er drückt sich in einer zusätzlichen dynamischen (kinetischen) Wirkung von Flüssigkeiten aus, die durch die Absorption einer äußeren Kraft verursacht wird, die als KELEA (kinetic energy restricting electrostatic attraction) bezeichnet wird.