The holiday season is when many people worry about or trying to lose . You might want to look great for a holiday party or family gathering. You may want to lose weight or maintain your current weight as a resolution for the new year. You shouldn’t be anxious about starting a weight loss program. It is best to keep it simple and take it one step at the time. If you are careful about what you eat, it is possible to lose 10 pounds of unwanted weight. Keep healthy, fresh foods available.

Healthy Snack

Healthy snacks and fruits are great options to keep your tastebuds happy. Your appetite will be reduced if you eat vegetables with every . These simple tips will help you lose 10 pounds in the first place, keep your weight down, or give you a boost if you reach a plateau. To lose a reasonable amount of weight, you don’t have to make any sacrifices. This plan is flexible and balanced, so you can use it for as long or as you like.

Take Note

  • Keep a log or record of everything you eat throughout the day. Learn how to calculate calories. Write down the amount you ate and what it was. This will help you plan your future meals.
  • Reduce your intake of added or pure fat products. This means reducing your intake of butter, mayonnaise, oil, or any other high-fat sauces.
  • You can reward yourself with a treat, but you should limit the number of snacks containing to 2 or 3 times per week. This includes desserts, cakes, pastries, cookies, chocolate, and any other sweet treats that taste good.
  • At most meals, eat a low-fat source of protein. This could include chicken, fish and beans, cottage cheese or low-fat yogurt. Limit your intake of red meat, eggs, and nuts to 1-2 times per week.
  • Make it a habit to eat a minimum of 1 or 2 meals a week without meat or cheese. To increase fiber and decrease fat, plan meals around whole grains, vegetables, and beans.
  • Reduce the amount of fat in your milk products. Reduce the amount of whole milk you drink to 2%, 1%, or skim milk. Low fat cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products are good options.
  • Every day, eat at least two servings of fruits. This can be used for desserts or snacks. Pick fruit that is in season.
  • Water is better than sodas, juices, drinks containing dairy products, alcohol, and other beverages. Moderation is key when it comes to diet soda. Hot water with a lemon slice can be refreshing in the morning.
  • Include at least two portions of vegetables with your lunch and dinner.
  • Slow down. Stress should not be a part of your meals. Your body takes a while to tell you when you are full so don’t rush through your meals.
  • Grated carrots make a great snack. A grated carrot is more filling than a whole one.
  • Whole grains are best. Fiber will give you a fuller feeling, and help with digestion.
  • Chop foods that are easy to chew. This will increase your fiber intake and make you feel fuller.
  • You can plan your meals and snacks in advance. Plan your shopping list and make sure you buy what you want. Avoid shopping when you feel hungry, or you will likely choose high- foods.
  • Turn off the TV while you eat. This may seem difficult. This applies to both meals and snacks. Studies show that people eat more when they are watching television. This could be because we pay less attention to how much we eat.
  • Multivitamins should be taken daily. There are many options, so choose one that is easy to swallow and doesn’t upset your stomach.
  • Women should consume between 1000-1500 mgs of each day. This will promote healthy bones and prevent future fractures. A broken hip will prevent you from being able to .
  • Three times per week, do some exercise. Even if you only have five minutes to exercise, keep at it and increase your time.


These are some simple tips that can help you lose weight, maintain or surpass your current weight loss efforts. Make it a habit of watching what you eat, logging your calories, and exercising at least three times per week. You can reach your weight loss goals if you keep your eyes on the prize and don’t lose sight of the basics.