People with asthma or chronic bronchitis frequently develop . Patients who suffer with asthma develop asthmatic bronchitis when their preceding respiratory condition becomes persistent and severe, causing irreversible obstruction of the respiratory tract. People with asthmatic bronchitis have the symptoms of chronic bronchitis and previous treatments for asthma are no more helpful in preventing the airways clogged with mucus.

Let’s start

Clinical physical examinations can’t establish a suitable diagnose judging only from the outward symptoms of asthmatic bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis, emphysema and asthmatic bronchitis all create the very same symptoms (cough, difficulty breathing, wheezing, chest discomfort when breathing) and thus it’s extremely tricky to properly distinguish between them. Oftentimes, respiratory disorders are diagnosed with patients’ reports of the symptoms, which are not very revealing in indicating the specific cause of illness.

Asthmatic bronchitis can be effectively diagnosed via the way of lab tests and careful physical examinations. Asthmatic bronchitis is a common respiratory illness among chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. Bronchitis generally causes inflammation and of the respiratory tract. The mucous membrane, bronchial tubes and other organs and tissues involved in the practice of breathing become inflamed because of exposure to irritants (dust, pollen, chemicals) or infection with viruses.

Natural defenses

The respiratory tract has many natural defenses against irritants, but under certain conditions, external agents can break through those obstacles. The bronchial tubes produce mucus, a protective substance that covers the lymph organs. Also, the mucous membrane, bronchial tubes and other soft tissues are coated with cilia, hair-like prominences that prevent viruses and blisters from reaching in the lungs.

However, prolonged exposure to outside agents empowers airborne viruses and parasites to penetrate those defenses, causing infection and inflammation. The bronchial tubes begin to make too much mucus, obstructing the airways and perturbing the process of breathing. Asthmatic bronchitis is mostly brought on by exposure to external irritants instead of viruses and . It’s thought that severe childhood respiratory ailments, weak immune system and hyperactivity of the respiratory tract are factors that facilitate the development of asthmatic bronchitis.


Smokers who suffer with chronic bronchitis are also quite vulnerable to creating asthmatic bronchitis. The most frequent symptoms of asthmatic bronchitis are cough, wheezing, , chest discomfort when breathing. Considering the fact that asthmatic bronchitis mostly involves obstruction of the respiratory tract, medical treatments should succeed in both unblocking the airways and fighting against . Typically, medical treatments with antibiotics are accompanied by steroids and inhaled medicines.

These medicines are called bronchodilators and they’re helpful in decongesting the airways clogged with mucus. Just like chronic bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis may result in serious complications (pulmonary bacterial infections) and need ongoing medical treatment. Patients with asthmatic bronchitis are advised to steer clear of outward symptoms (cigarette smoke, pollutants, chemicals, vapors, dust) as these variables can temporarily aggravate the disease. Sometimes, patients with acute asthmatic bronchitis need hospitalization and medical observation before their symptoms are ameliorated.